Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Things that Feed My Soul

Phil says I do too much for others and often forget to do things for and think about myself. This has actually been the source of quite a few arguments and let me just say...I hate it when he is right! So, I have been thinking a little more about me and what I like. Here are a few things that God uses to feed my soul....
1. Naps with Addie on Friday afternoons
2. Ryan laughing so hard his dimples show and he hunches over
3. Phil making me breakfast in bed
4. A pedicure (made especially fun with my pedi-buddy Jody)
5. Organic spring mix, fresh lilies and heirloom tomato plants from the farmers market
6. The windows down/sunroof open in the car, singing along to the new Sara Groves CD

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heart Sara Groves too